Dixie Pipe Sales

Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe Headquarters For over 75 years

November 4, 2014

Reference: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.

Dear Valued Customer,

Dixie Pipe Sales, Inc. is aware of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, (The Dodd-Frank Act) that the United States Congress has enacted. The Dodd-Frank Act seeks in part to stem the tide of violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by limiting or eliminating the sources of financing for certain armed groups operating in the DRC. The Act imposes additional reporting and due diligence requirements if the following materials originated in the DRC, Angola, Burundi, the Central African Republic , Congo, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania or Zambia. Therefore Dixie Pipe Sales, Inc. has verified with our suppliers that the following “conflict materials” or their derivatives are not incorporated into the materials supplied to us.

• Columbite-tantalite (Colton) or derivatives (e.g., Tantalum)
• Cassiterite or derivatives (e.g., Tin)
• Wolframite or derivatives (e.g., Tungsten)
• Gold or derivatives.

“Not Incorporated” to be understood as none of the listed materials or their derivatives are necessary to or included in the functionality or the production of the products that are supplied (including any such minerals or their derivatives that are sourced directly or indirectly from third parties.) Therefore Dixie Pipe Sales, Inc. does not supply any products that contain “Conflict Materials”.


Troy Hill
Director of Sales